Friday, September 28, 2018

Economy / Week 4 / 김성희 Kim Seonghui

1. Summary

The economy is how people use the environment to meet their material needs. The Scandinavians first began using gold and silver coins. Most people exchanged goods through their social relationships. From the Middle Ages something like what we now call the economy has happened. Adam Smith argued that the fundamental reason for the free trade was due to human self-interest. Capitalism has existed since ancient times. But it began to develop gradually in Europe from the 16th century. It has become a means of industrialization in many parts of the world. The Gini coefficient is a statistical figure to represent the distribution of people's income.

2. What was interesting / What did you learn

I think the Economy is more modern things, but It has been from the Middle Ages is impressed to me. Adam Smith argued that the fundamental reason for the free trade was due to human self-interest. Most socialists share the same view on the disadvantages of capitalism. They developed in response to this. But Marxists and non-Marxists disagree on the essence.

3. Discussion Point

Can it be said now that most countries have adopted a capitalist economy means that the socialist economy is completely wrong and defeated?


  1. I don't think the capitalist economy has won the socialist economy.
    I think that the capitalist economy and the socialist economy have differences in content and can't be judged wrong.
    The current economy of values and ideas is a capitalist economy, but it cannot be said that it won.

  2. I do not think that socialism has been defeated. Both capitalism and socialism have pros and cons. In fact, there are many more capitalist countries, but there are still others who have a socialist presence. Therefore, it seems hard to say defeat.

  3. Capitalism may contribute a little more to the country's growth, but I don't think socialism has been defeated.Both capitalism and socialism have strengths and weaknesses.

  4. I don't think so. Of course, there are countries that have changed from a socialist economy to a capitalist one. But this is not a failure of the socialist economic system. I think the countries' aspirations for capitalist countries have led to system change. Also, there are still socialist countries. I don't think the socialist economy itself is a problem.
