Sunday, September 23, 2018

Culture/Week3/문수빈 SooBin Moon

  This article explains culture in many ways. Cross-cultural comparison tells us how to think about cows and how to think about the same things in different regions. In India, cattle are considered spiritual beings, while cattle are regarded as important objects in the United States. When you look at such objects in various regions, you need to consider the same context as the surrounding culture when you understand culture.
  In addition to cross cultural comparison, there is also a point of analyzing culture as a high quality culture. This view divides cultures into culturally and culturally inheri- tant cultures. From a new perspective, we are interested in cultural differentiation instead of cultural hierarchy. Today, most sociologists view culture from a new perspective.
What was interesting/What did we learn:
  I explained the ballerina in the picture in relation to the culture, and of course I sympathized with the part where the ballet dance was described as a culture, and the costume of the ballerina is also a culture, and it came to be fresh expression that this informs a lot about the ballerina. And I could quickly understand that the culture of a society can have many effects on an individual, and it can be a great part of explaining it.
Discussion point:
  From what perspective do you see today's culture? Do you think that a cultured culture and a culture without culture are divided? I am more interested in cultural differentiation than most sociologists today, as culture is a relative concept, but I think extreme culture is a culture that is not cultivated and there are some parts that can not be understood from a cultural relativistic point of view.

1 comment:

  1. I aim for cultural relativism. It is natural for people of different cultures to have different values because the environment and education they have received are also different. But it is against the idea that cultural relativism degenerates and becomes extreme cultural relativism. It is because the culture of each society is respected, but the culture of anti-ethics is not respected.
