Sunday, September 30, 2018

Politics / Week 5 / Angela Wibowo

Summary :
Sociology have relation sith politic, especially because it is related with government. In the articles said that politic is the process by which groups of people make social economic decisions, and from the article, I agree that politics have relation with sociology, because it is about human interaction especially in group interaction. Politics consists of social relation including authority (power), regulation of political units, and strategy that used to formulate and apply social policy or rules.
In the government structure, there must have power, authority, and violence. Accordfing to the article, power is someone who can influence the behavior to others. Authority maybe similar with power, but it is still different. Authority is the claim of legitimacy to exercise the power. As an example, if peoples want to make death sentence to someone who has done criminal, it should be decided by the court of law, who has right to decide it, because it is written in constitution. The government can use their power and authority to force citizens to behave in appropriate ways, and to do that, government has the right to use violence. There are 6 type of government, Monarchy, Democracy, Totalitarianism, Oligarchy, Communist State, and Theocracy.

What was interesting / what did you learn ? :
            I’m interested in the components of politics, about power, authority, and violence, I’m interested in learning the people who has power to influence other people and many people, and they will have authority, as it is written in constitution, and they may use violence because they have power and authority to make other people follow in order to do the appropriate behavior, and I thinks it is interested to learn it more.

Discussion point :
            In my country, there is a problem about some groups that insists government to do what they want because of the democracy. How can the people who has power do if things like this always happen? There are so many case and we can see and think that the decision by the law is not fair.

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