Friday, September 21, 2018

Religion / Week 3 / 차주희 JuHee Cha

Sociologists study religion in the same way as studying other social systems such as education and government. The purpose of social scientists to study religion is to predict what will become a religion, not just to understand it. For this, social scientists use demographic, academic techniques, research analysis, ethnic geography and a variety of methodological approaches, just like studying other social systems. Sociologists are not interested in the right or wrong of religion. Sociologists take a relativistic view of basically whether it's right or wrong, whether it's true or not.

2.interesting point
It was interesting because religion and other social factors were more involved than I thought. Gender, race, education, health, etc. When we talked about it’s connection to education, it was interesting to note that in Johnson's study he statistically showed that people who go to college tend to be more devout than those who don't go to college and remain religious.

3.discussion point
Religion is related to different social factors. Is there anything else besides the examples above? Talk to me if you think of anything else.

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