Saturday, September 22, 2018

culture/week3/ji yoom kim/김지윤

1. Summary

The subject of the third week is culture. There are various kinds of cultures, such as values, beliefs, normative language, and technology. Culture has characteristics that make it universal and different from region to region. In addition, there are deviant cultures that are considered to have deviated from the norms of popular culture, and subcultures that are partly enjoyed. The characteristics of deviance and subculture are that these are relatively defined by age and place, not by absolute standards.

2. What was interesting/What did we learn

I was surprised that Korean is the 10th most native speaker in the world. Also interesting was that English, which is taught as a second language in most countries, actually ranks third in the number of native speakers.

3. Discussion point

Can all cultures be tolerated? Cultural relativism is an important point of understanding culture, but I think it is debatable that all cultures should be respected. Hijab is one of these examples. Hijab is considered a sexist culture in many countries. Should these cultures be respected?

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