Friday, September 21, 2018

Culture/Week3/박서영 seoyoung Park

I studied about culture in this chapter.
Culture is understanding the difference between nature and nurture.
Nature is born with a nature of biology and genetics, but its nature doesn't determine everything.
So you have to understand who I am through culture.
Culture is purpose or behavior, and culture includes norms and beliefs.
You can also understand a person through the clothes he wears, the way he talks, and his or her values.
In any society, culture is not all the same, it's relatively stable, but it's competitive.
Culture is dynamic and can continue to learn, and everyone has culture.
What was interesting/What did we learn:
There was something interesting in this chater that I hadn't thought about.
Many scholars say that language is the source of culture, and language is not static, but it is relatively stable and changing.
At this opportunity, I thought about language, and it was often used by people to change language.
Also, there is a language that disappeared as it was used in the old days, and there was a newly coined language.
This makes sense to the scholars.
The meaning of the word "steady but stable" seems contradictory, but it is stable even though language has changed.
So I did not understand well at first, but when I thought about it, I was proud and interesting.
Discussion point:
Language is constantly changing through negotiation, and I would like to discuss whether there is a human culture that can be changed through negotiation like language.


  1. Let's look at Korean food culture. We didn't care much about eating dog meat in the past. However, there are many fewer young people eating dog meat today. (Of course, I don't want to discuss whether eating dog meat is right or wrong.) Unlike the traditional ancestral rites of the past, the ritual culture has changed a lot.

  2. I think there are many human cultures that can be changed through negotiation. In some Arab regions, discrimination against women was taken for granted, and even if sexual violence occurred, victims had to be ashamed and concealed rather than punished, but when the case became known, the victim was killed in the name of honor killings in the family . Today, however, other countries are criticizing the wrong culture and the shape of the Arab society is changing little by little. And communist countries can be said to be a case of negotiating rather than sticking to the existing system in line with the changes in society and the times, and changing into a state in which the free economy is gradually introduced.
