Saturday, September 22, 2018

Culture/ Week3/ 김정아 Jungah Kim

1. summary
Each country have different culture. Not only cloth or lifestyle is different but also food what people eat is different. U.S is the country where beef products consumption is lot. In contrast, India prohibits eating beef becasue they regard cow as sacred thing.
2. What is interesting/ What did you learn?
In this article, to think about culture we should think about the distinction between nature and nuture. We usually behave what our genes(nature) want. But as long as we live in a society, we aslo act by imitating others or learning in society. Having influence by our nurture and nature, different culuture( eating, living, clothing) could be understand.
3. discussion
I think that each country could have different culture because they are living in a different society. But should we also understand about extreme culture (ex. killing person because of conflicts in culture)?

1 comment:

  1. Each country has its own culture and each person has a different standard of judging whether the culture is right or bad. I think they should understand the culture of extreme culture and culture that formed from good or bad days.
