Friday, September 28, 2018

Economy/Week4/박서영 seoyoung Park

I learned about the economy this time.
Economy is the way people use the environment for their own convenience.
The economy is said to include most of the part and even ecosystem.
As society developed, the economy developed more than before, and capitalism developed from the 16th century and became an important factor in industrialization from the 19th century.
The economics of capitalism developed with Commodities, Money, Labour power, Means of production, and production.
Individuals play various roles, provide money and labor, and businesses choose what products to produce and where to produce them, and companies think about product creation and marketing.
The purpose of continuing to profit is to lead capitalism.
What was interesting/What did we learn:
Before reading these contents, I thought the word economics was a recent word.
But the economy has been going on since BC.
So the contents of the past economy were interesting.
The past economy was little different from the present economy.
Private property, interest, and money problems were similar to what they are today, and there was mail delivery.
And it was amazing and interesting to have similar investments as it is now.
Discussion point:
Capitalism is said to be a system of personal management of capital, non-labor elements, etc.
Capitalism has become an important factor in industrialization.
So I want to hear other people's stories about capitalism.
I want to share various stories such as the damage that capitalism has brought and the benefits it has brought.


  1. The damage that capitalism has caused is that money has become a priority in governing the world. Capital in itself gives a lot of benefit to people, but when money is involved in a fight for rights, it tells us that there is a high probability that a rich person will survive and therefore a negative situation may arise.

  2. I think capitalism has become the basis for the large inheritance of wealth or poverty. The wealthier the family is, the less difficult it is to scale and inherit it from generation to generation, but the less the family is to continue to pass on poverty to posterity.
