Friday, September 14, 2018

Sociological methods/ week2/ JongSeo Lee/ 이종서

1. Summary

Sociological methods refer to methods of study in sociology, which are divided into two ways. The first is about organizations and the second is about individuals. Research on organizations analyzes how they affect society based on their characteristics. On the other hand, studies of individuals focus on individual activities and analyze how they create situations throughout society. this research method is more conducive to understanding social phenomena by looking at society from a critical perspective rather than looking at it as it is given.

2. What was interesting/ What did you learn?


It helped us to have a reading of complex social phenomena by exploring social methods. Also, there are many ways to socialize, so I think finding the right way for me through various attempts would be another goal.

3. Discussion Point...

There are two methods of sociological methods summarized by the writer: individuals and groups, and I think it would be more efficient to read social phenomena based on groups. The reason is that if you study organizations, you can read social phenomena more quickly and more than you can study individuals. Of course, while an individual in a group does not follow all of their ideas, studying an individual would also face this dilemma. So, which research methods do you think will be more efficient?

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