Saturday, September 15, 2018

Sociology Theory / Week 2 / JaeSeong Lee


Typical sociological theories include: First, structural functionalism is the theory that social institutions are described as collective means to meet individual biological needs. Conflict theory states inequality from individuals competing with limited resources. Symbolic interactionism is the theory that human actions and interactions can only be understood through the exchange of symbols. Role theory is a theory that people generally think has a role to expect. Finally, feminist theory is to restore human rights of women out of the theory.

2.What was interesting/ What did you learn

I read it comparing structural functionalism and conflict theory. structural functionalism has merit in talking about social order, but cannot explain social change. On the other hand, conflict theory can well explain social change but overlooks the stability of society. The two are poles apart. That is why we need to complement each other.

3.Discussion Point

Marx was a communist who suggested conflict theory. I think he's saying that communism is necessary to resolve the conflict. So should we adopt communism to resolve the conflict?


  1. I don't think so, Marx thinks it is simply a theoretical ideal.
    Theory is difficult to be the perfect solution.
    Therefore, I disagree.

    1. Of course, theory cannot be the perfect solution. However, Marx's conflict theory seems to mean that we should eventually become a communist society.

  2. I don't think communism is necessary. I object to communism because if communism were to be normal, most people would be able to live equally, but if one person were to take all the power of the country, the country would be ruled by that desire.

    1. I am well aware that communism in modern society is impossible. So, is conflict in modern society possible without communism? I think conflict arises from capital inequality. So isn't it just about having all the capital equal to solve the conflict?
