Saturday, September 8, 2018

What is sociology?/ week1/ minji jeong

1. What is sociology? What do you think?

: I think sociology is basis of all learning. Because we live in this society, and study the phenomena or events that happen here. 

2. Try to operationalization (define and make measurable)

  1.  Wealth: I think the wealth is that dose not prevent money problems from happening when you want to do something. The method of measuring wealth is to measure income distribution by household relatively. 
  2.  Power: I think power is built on the basis of social status or trust in human relations. This is power and leadership. The way to measure this is to measure what suggestions a person makes and whether others can accept and follow them
  3.  Depression: Depression is state of human emotions contrary to happiness. The way to measure this is to think that if the emotions felt when looking at the same object are negative, it is depression. Furthermore, I think mental and professional judgement can measure the level of depression.

3. Why dose fashion change?

:I think the reason why fashion is change is because of people's characteristics. First, people always tend to persue new trends. They get tired of things that they have and interested in new things. Second, people want to feel a sense of 'belonging'. They feel member of society by following the fashion.

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