Monday, October 15, 2018

Deviance / Week 7 / 김성희 Kim Seonghui

1. Summary

Deviation is an act that violates cultural norms. Deviation can be divided into formal and informal aberrations. An official deviation is a violation of the officially enacted law. An unofficial deviation is a norm that is not documented by law. So deviance can change with culture. Deviation theories include psychological and biological expansion, social class morphology, structural-functionalism, conflict theory, and labeling theory. Structuralism sees deviant behavior as an important role in society for many reasons. This is because it helps distinguish acceptable and unacceptable behavior. It also clarifies the moral boundaries of society and promotes social integration.
2. What did you learn / What was interesting?

Deviance is not something that can only be explained socially. It can also be explained psychologically or biologically. For example, people with certain brain structures are more likely to take deviant actions, but that doesn't necessarily mean deviating. Crime statistics are not a perfect view of the crime. That's because the statistics only show data on reported crime. It was new to me that deviance also promoted social integration.
3. Discussion Point

I wonder what the impact of deviation on our lives is. How does this deviation affect our culture and society? Should we see deviation as bad?

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