Sunday, October 28, 2018

Week9 : Stratification Heo SeonYeong 허 선영

 The inequality is that people are not equal in approaching scarce and valuable resources in society. Sociologists are interested in things like where inequality comes from.
 Power, wealth and fame are combined to represent someone's social class or socioeconomic status. Power is the ability to do what others want, whether they want it or not. Power can be forced out of authority. Legal power, power that others are willing to give to individuals, is called authority. Illegal forces, forces or threats of power are called. Also, property means the sum of your property and your regular income. Lastly, fame refers to the reputation or respect associated with social status. A job usually plays the role.
 There was no trade between groups and no inequality in the collection society because they grew and gathered food according to their needs. But as the stock-farming society grew, the group grew, and labor began to divide and produce goods. The exchange of the remaining goods began the inequality. That is to say, it is the result of inequality after having private property rights.
 The reason why inequality in society continues is that firstly, people who benefit from inequality, the rich and the strong, protect the inequality system. Second, culture teaches acceptance of inequality. They justify the position of the rich, explain the position of the poor, and think that inequality is natural and normal. Third, people accept their position in society. Finally, police, courts and prisons also try to protect the inequality system. It is not possible to eliminate inequality in these societies.
 Layering gives stability to all parts of society. Perhaps layering and inequality are inevitable and helpful to society. But it is a clear problem that there is no link between jobs and income that are functionally important to society. In addition, the criteria for layering are reasonable and unfair.

2.interesting point
 I find examples of inequality interesting. The U.S. is a highly unequal country of income compared to the OECE developed countries. I knew this information. But it was amazing that 400 Americans had the same wealth as half of all Americans combined. The United States has the third largest population in the world. Half of the 326,767,000 are 163,383,500. That is about 408,459 times the number of 400 people. Meanwhile, 25 Americans and 2 billion poor people in the world share the same income. This is so unimaginable.
3.discussion point
 Is there an example of inequality you find yourself except for the examples presented? Is there anything we can do to reduce the inequality we find?

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