Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Extra posting / Can China replace the United States with economic power in the near future? /Soo Bin Moon(문수빈)

Q.Can China replace the United States with economic power in the near future?


I think China can grow as an economic power to replace the United States. Because China has more population than most of all, it has a lot of cheap labor. The largest population in the world can therefore be a bigger advantage than anything else. This is because so many people can promote economic development in various fields. And in the past, if China developed only cheap products, today we are trying to improve the quality of our products. As a result of that effort, we are showing remarkable progress in many fields. Of course, there are also signs that many advanced nations today are realizing that China is a rival country that threatens their country and imposing a lot of tariffs on Chinese goods. But I think that this move can make China's growth slow, but I do not think it can hinder their growth in the long run.
In addition, because of the large consumption of consumers and the large number of consumers, many companies are expanding their businesses in China today. Therefore, I think that many companies in China can become the center of the movement of money.

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