Friday, October 19, 2018

Deviance/ week7/ minji jeong


 Deviation is an act that violates cultural norms. Deviations are largely divided into two categories. The first is official deviation. An official deviation is a violation of the legal system, which tells of a crime. This includes robbery, theft and assault. An unofficial deviation is a violation of informal social norms. Some of them make a lot of noise in public or sleep during class.
 There are various perspectives on deviance and various theories have been established accordingly. Some theories focus on psychological or biological issues to determine the cause of deviation, and others believe that it is an unadjusted case in a changing society. There is also the view that it is caused by an imbalance of social power, and there are numerous theories such as the theory that the modifier "the deviant" causes another deviation.


 The theory of labeling was interesting, but there was a limit. It was interesting that regulations were not created according to one's actions, but because one's actions were consistent with the regulations. However, there are many exceptions and I think they have limitations that they cannot be combined in all cases.


 We talking about social deviance. But I think the criteria for deviation are pretty vague. Of course, the standard is clear for legal deviations, but I think that informal deviations are determined by the judge's point of view. We wonder if we can clearly define deviance in this case.


  1. Deviation can be said to be a deviation when a deviant party does something that hurts someone. And it is important to ensure proper socialization through proper education if the abuse and damage are confirmed through rational judgment.

    1. I thought a deviation was equivocal in my judgment. However, if the victim and the perpetrator are distinct, they can be classified as deviant. So I agree that social education is important.
