Thursday, October 18, 2018

Deviance / Week 7 / HanBin Bae


Deviance is more abundant on the subject than crime. The category covers almost all. Mental, barbaric, lewd, lying, naked, gay, gay, blackmail, blind, radicalism, prostitution, murder, physical illness, etc. have all been prescribed by sociologists.


Deviance, compared with criminology, is an overtly sociological and biased and free-of-interest involvement in policymaking. Since the 1960s, it has tended to value a particular set of intellectual obsession rather than the unique nature of the object being studied. The definition of deviance is less important than the analytical hierarchy or methodology employed. In other words, symbolistic interaction theory, Phenomenology, or radical sociology.


Deviation is more widespread than crime. I think tattoos can be seen as deviant, and stealing things and hitting people is a crime. How far is the deviation allowed and where is it not allowed? Is everything that is illegal deviant?

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