Saturday, October 27, 2018

Stratification / Week 9 / Jong Seo Lee/ 이종서

1. summary

Stratification is essentially a geologic concept, which refers to the state (or formation process) in which the layer is covered up according to an old chronological order.
Indices or characteristics that determine social status were mainly attributable to family or property before modern times, but since modern times, individual qualification, ability, and occupation (the import or status of the individual) tend to change.
Although the process of stratification (layer formation) varies, if abstracted, any society has a division of roles (professional roles) according to the division of labor, and thus social status differentiation.
As productivity increases and division increases, groups occupying various social positions form a hierarchy, and people in similar social positions form a hierarchy and in some way form a framework for upward and downward relations. Such a hierarchical or phased state or structure of society is called a social stratum, and each layer that forms it is called a hierarchy.

2. what did you learn?
As long as society is a division, social differentiation of status and roles in various forms is both functional and structural. I also learned that it is inevitable that such a discriminating position is being evaluated unless the tendency to discriminate against others is eliminated.
Thus, the stratification as a result of social differentiation and the interaction of discrimination assessment is a mechanism that forms the structural characteristics of all societies of the past and meets the functional requirements that are indispensable to social survival.
i learned that ancient Indian caste, medieval feudal status, and modern capitalist society were all special forms of sexuality, and that the stratum class was claimed to be high-level concepts that encompass these subconcepts.
3.Discussion Point
I want to share the advantages and disadvantages of stratification.


  1. I think one of the advantages of stratification is good in dividing the income distribution to give 'state scholarship'. But I don't think layering is good because it is in itself separating people with economic income.

  2. The advantage of stratification is that it gives people an incentive to compete to move up to a better group, as seen from a functional perspective. Through these competitions, people can make better progress. The downside is that this stratification leads to inequality. We can't help but be limited to what we can get or have by class. This limits the possibility of an individual and effectively means that there is little movement between layers.
