Sunday, October 28, 2018

Stratification / Week9 / Kwon Ah Yeon

1. summary 

 Social stratification refers to the phenomenon in which individuals and groups are sequenced by unequal distribution of social scarcity values among members within a society. This phenomenon occurs because social scarcity values are distributed disproportionately according to the individual's ability or family background. There have been many types of inequality in society, including economic inequality, racial and ethnic inequality, and gender inequality. 
 What is the reason for the continuing inequality? First, it is because groups that are relative strong in inequality have enough resources to protect their status. Second, we have the unconscious attitude to justify, accept and accept the reasons for inequality. They recognize their situation as natural and normal over time. Finally, he accepts his position in the socialization process and continues.

2. What is interesting  

Because I was interested in inequality, this topic was very interesting. What was surprising was that despite not only our awareness of inequality in the nation but also around the world, we were living with acceptance and acceptance of our status and position. There are so many irrational and unequal factors in our society today. However, we do not try to change the status quo for granted. It is to understand and accept these things in the process of socialization. I wonder if this is related to human psychology.

3. Discussion Point

I wonder what the results will be like to continue to be this way. What are the risks of being poor and getting rich forever? Can't we reverse this flow? When people start to innovate with questions about their position and position, I wonder what difference will be in our society.

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