Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Deviance /Week7/Saea Bae

1. Summary
Deviance is an act that violates cultural and social expectations. Deviations can be divided into two categories. The first is official deviation. Official deviation is a violation of the law. For example, murder, theft, etc. The second is an unofficial deviation. It is not enacted by law. The unofficial deviation can vary from country to country. Because each country has different cultural norms. Sociologists dealt with various theories of departure. There are psychological theories, social system theory, structural functionalism theory, conflict theory, and brand theory. Also, we can see the deviant theories currently under study. How violent video affects people's behavior, the meaning of changing tattoos, and the sexual violence that is taking place in recent university campuses.

2. What was interesting / What did you learn
I think the concept of deviation was narrow and limited. They are such things as robbery, murder, and inappropriate behavior. For example, when a student smokes and drinks, he or she does not go to class. I only thought that deviance was a bad thing. Thus, it was interesting to see the theory of structuralism, which claims that deviance plays a positive role in society. Previously, we learned to socialize by looking at others. This is in line with what structuralism claims a deviation teaches cultural norms to the parishioners. It was very interesting to think in conjunction with other sociological theories.

3. Discussion Point

In Korea, it was not a deviation in the past, but now there are many things considered deviant. Then, I wonder how the past, present cultural norms, and deviation have changed in foreign countries.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is no different not only in Korea but also abroad. There were not many regulations in the past. But now, regulations are being created and there are many changes in perception that are often considered deviant.
