Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Stratification/ week9/ minji jeong


 Layering means classifying people in society. Modern societies often focus on economic stratification. Differentiating between power and wealth in each individual. There is also racial or ethnic stratification, and there are various categories of layering, such as gender-specific layering. However, this layering has limitations that cause inequality. Layering itself means a result of the scarcity of resources in society that someone owns.
These inequalities are most easily found in the United States. The U.S. media's behavior has led to widespread discrimination against poor African Americans and discrimination against women. Regardless of what class they were in the storm that hit parts of the United States, they were moved to the same shelter but not all were affected. Rich people had money to buy cars, emergency hotels and supplies needed for the move, and insurance policies for reconstruction. The unequal effect of this tragedy is perhaps natural. However, it would be nice for everyone to think about the fact that inequality is not just a matter of course.

2. Interesting

The article on why inequality continued was the most interesting. The rich and the powerful of society protect the inequality system. In addition, our culture is taught to accept inequality. People try to accept their status in society and grow their children into rich and powerful people. These are ideologies that protect the inequality system. justify the position of the rich and explain and justify the position of the poor Therefore, people tend to accept inequality. Most members of society believe that they can achieve prosperity and success through self-discipline and self-discipline, and so do I. However, considering that these ideas provided the basis for justifying inequality, I felt that my values were being denied.

3.Discussion point

We always focus on self-development to live a better life. It is to lead a comfortable life by earning wealth, fame, and social status. But I think claiming inequality on the basis of just the economic class has its limits to denying their efforts. In fact, I think there is a natural difference in the achievements of individual efforts. What do you think?

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