Saturday, October 20, 2018

Deviance/ Week7/ Yerim Han


Deviance is any action that violates social expectations that lead to human behavior. Deviance is divided into two main types, Formal Deviance and Informal Deviance. Formal deviance is a violation of formal laws such as crime, such as robbery, theft, rape, murder, and violence. Information provision is a norm that is not legally codified, such as carrying rain, burping, or unnecessarily close to others. Breaking cultural norms is also relative because culture is relative. The Deviance takes many forms. Theory of departure include social class morphology, structural-functionism, conflict theory, and labeling theory. Formal social control is held to reestablish the members of society to cultural norms. There is also information social control and informal social control.

2. What did you learn? / interesting
I learned a new lesson about White-Collar classes. Of course, I knew that the upper class often cheated in relation to money matters, but it was the first time I knew whether they would refer to it separately as White-colar classes. In fact, there is a saying in our country, "There are more people than there are," which is how many upper class people cheat. To eradicate this, we believe that transparency in investigative agencies and the media and the public's interest are necessary.

In our country, there is a serious crime of no inheritance, no inheritance. What do you think is there to root out the tooth other than the one I suggested in number 2? I would like you to write an example of another country.

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