Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Deviance / Week 7 /Seoryoung Park

1. Summary

Deviance is an act against cultural norms. There are two types of deviance. The first type of deviance is crime. Crime is a violation of the norm that it is an officially agreed law. Examples of crimes include robbery and murder. The second type of deviance is a violation of informal social norms. Examples of unofficial deviance include loud burping and unnecessarily standing close. Rules are defined differently in different cultures. Therefore, deviance varies from culture to culture. It is defined differently by country and religion. Deviance is subject to psychological and biological effects. Studies show that humans evolved to follow norms for collective harmony.

Deviance may be defined differently depending on theory.There is Robert K. Merton's theory of Anomi about deviance.  Robert Merton noted that in certain societies, cultural goals are overemphasized, while the opportunity to achieve them is limited by institutional means, resulting in social 'strange'. But Merton saw different acclimations depending on internalized cultural goals and institutionalized means in the Anom situation. There are five main ways, Conformity, Innovation, Ritualism, Retreatism, and Rebellion.
Structuralism argues that deviance plays an important role in society. Deviance clarifies the moral boundaries of society. This is an important function because it identifies the cultural values and norms of society. Structuralism also sees deviance as a means for society to change over time.
Deviance from conflict theory reflects an imbalance of power. They commit a crime because of lack of resources (money). 
The labeling theory is that deviance is not caused objectively due to the psychological or environmental conditions of an actor, but because social and cultural evaluation of a particular behavior is labeled as deviance. Labeling theory deals with stigma. A stigma is a situation in which individuals are not socially acceptable because of their stigma. A deviance cannot have a different identity and is trapped in a deviance identity.

Crime statistics do not provide a perfect view of crime. But it is useful for many reasons besides giving a sense of the degree of criminal activity. The incarceration rate and the population show higher incarceration rates than in the past, and more people have gone to jail under false charges. America has a higher crime rate and recidivism rate than other countries. Men have a higher violent crime rate than women.

2. What is interesting

I learned how various theories saw deviance. It was interesting to see one social phenomenon differently depending on various perspectives.


I wonder what theory is most similar to your idea of deviance (why a deviation occurs, etc)

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