Friday, October 19, 2018

Deviance/ week7/ JongSeo Lee

1. summary

The definition of deviance is a departure from social norms. By definition, deviance is likely to play a negative role. However, deviance in the process of socializing is sometimes seen as a positive factor. For example, adolescent humans think about identity. They also try to get away from this kind of identity. This deviation may lead to  delinquency, but "normal deviation" may lead to ideal human form.

2. what did you learn?

To understand the deviation, it was necessary to know it correctly. We have also learned that socializing is the cause of deviation, and understanding of these definitions can help us to deal with it more effectively. For example, a deviance in adolescence leads to a misguided flight.This reveals that many conversations, correct socialization and proper discipline for wrongs can correct the wrong derailment.

3. Discussion Point

I wrote down the reasons for the deviation and the solutions as I thought. Please tell me about other causes and solutions after you read the article.

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