Friday, October 26, 2018

Stratification/ week9/ 엄서영 Um seoyoung

1. Summary
Layering means dividing people into classes in society. Layering has a variety of factors, including economic power, race, and gender. Among them, economic power has the greatest impact. Max Weber divided the layers into three: Power, Property, and Prestige. Modern sociologists use Bever's idea to classify "power, wealth, and fame."

2. What was interesting/what did you learn
It is said that the origin of inequality is the development of "hunters, hounds, and societies" from the "garden, livestock" society. Joel Charon says the reason for the continuing inequality that started then. First, the rich and strong protect the system of inequality. Second, culture teaches acceptance of inequality. Third, people can accept their position in society. Finally, police, courts and prisons work together to protect the inequality system. I also agree with these arguments. This is because punishment in Korea often varies depending on status and economic power even if they commit the same crime.

3. Discussion point
Can we protect the weak by law in a society where social status and economic power are prioritized?

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