Friday, October 19, 2018

Deviance/ Week7/ ji eun Bang

Deviation is an act that violates cultural norms.There are two types of aberrations. The first official deviation is a violation of the already enacted law. The second unofficial deviation is abnormal behavior that is not enacted by law that violates informal social norms. Cultural deviance is so relative that it varies considerably from culture to culture. Deviance is affected by the environment. The higher the crime rate, the more poverty is concentrated, the fewer retail businesses are, and the higher the turnover rate of housing. And crime statistics are useful for a variety of reasons, not just to show the extent of a crime.But it does not provide a complete view of crime.

2. What did you learn? / interesting
I found out why people who committed crimes again.
According to statistics, more than half of the prisoners are convicted within three years. Because they cannot socialize or reform. They keep people away because they are already socially stigmatized.

One of the factors that significantly increased recidivism is the return of the previous area.People who leave their old towns tend to commit few other crimes. Narrowing the distance from the social environment that encourages your criminal activities reduces your chances of re-examination. I wonder why this is so. Also, what can be done to reduce repeat crime?

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