Sunday, September 30, 2018

Extra posting / Week 5 / Kang seojong (강서종)

Q1.What are the manifest and latent (dys)functions of going to school?

The school's net function is to make room for children to socialize. On the other hand, schools can be bullied because their role is different from that of many. Also, the latent purity of the school allows children to have social roles and increases their responsibility for their roles.
On the other hand, the latent adverse function of the school causes the irrational side of the real world to experience the economic and authoritarian divide in the school.

Extra posting/What is more important-our genes or our environment?/ ji eun Bang

What is more important-our genes or our environment?
 I think the environment is more important. Because people lived in communities and had community spirit for a long time. However, in this era people became more competitive and selfish, and society became more individualistic. I think this situation to the creation of an environment called capitalism.

Extra posting/ Do you think sociologists should take side or try to be neutral?/ ji eun Bang

Do you think sociologists should take side or try to be neutral?
I think socialist should be neutral. Beacause sociology has a procedural method of examining sociology, so it is also called scientific science. For example, Conte's view of sociology is called positivism science. He believed that the study of society should use the same rigorous scientific methods that physics and chemistry use to study the physical world. positivism argues that science should only consider observable entities that can be directly identified through experience. And sociology allows us to look at the world from a variety of points of view. We need to look at the world objectively because we can better understand what their problems are if we understand how others live.

Economy / Week4 / 성민승 MinSeung Sung

Economy / Week4 / 성민승 MinSeung Sung


People get the resources they need through economic activity. There are various economic systems for different countries. It is now largely divided into two. Capitalism and Socialism. And there are international standards of assessment of economic activity. It is called GDP. The elements of capitalism can be divided into five parts. They are commodities, money, labour power, means of production, and productions. It is based on Adam Smith's theory. The cap of Capitalism relates to the distribution of wealth. Examples of Socialism can be found in China, North Korea, Laos, and Vietnam. Socialism is inefficient and has a limitation of not being able to compete.

2. What was interesting / What did you learn
The most interesting thing was about Socialism. Socialism is currently in effect in only a few countries. So there was no contact with Socialism. But I learned that it was being implemented in more countries than I thought. And the limits of Socialism were interesting. It was part of why many countries were failing to implement it.

3. Discussion Point

What's interesting to me is the limitations of capitalism. What if we could combine the limitations of capitalism with the strengths of socialism?

Politics / Week 5 / Angela Wibowo

Summary :
Sociology have relation sith politic, especially because it is related with government. In the articles said that politic is the process by which groups of people make social economic decisions, and from the article, I agree that politics have relation with sociology, because it is about human interaction especially in group interaction. Politics consists of social relation including authority (power), regulation of political units, and strategy that used to formulate and apply social policy or rules.
In the government structure, there must have power, authority, and violence. Accordfing to the article, power is someone who can influence the behavior to others. Authority maybe similar with power, but it is still different. Authority is the claim of legitimacy to exercise the power. As an example, if peoples want to make death sentence to someone who has done criminal, it should be decided by the court of law, who has right to decide it, because it is written in constitution. The government can use their power and authority to force citizens to behave in appropriate ways, and to do that, government has the right to use violence. There are 6 type of government, Monarchy, Democracy, Totalitarianism, Oligarchy, Communist State, and Theocracy.

What was interesting / what did you learn ? :
            I’m interested in the components of politics, about power, authority, and violence, I’m interested in learning the people who has power to influence other people and many people, and they will have authority, as it is written in constitution, and they may use violence because they have power and authority to make other people follow in order to do the appropriate behavior, and I thinks it is interested to learn it more.

Discussion point :
            In my country, there is a problem about some groups that insists government to do what they want because of the democracy. How can the people who has power do if things like this always happen? There are so many case and we can see and think that the decision by the law is not fair.

Politics / Week 5 / Kiara Juliane Annisa

1.     Summary :
Every country have their own version of politics and people who are involved in it, but what is the definition of politics? Based on the Merriam Webster dictionary the word politics means the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy. Wikipedia sources refers politics to achieving and exercising positions of governance organized control over a human community particularly a state. So from the description of what is politics we can get an idea that politics have a meaning of something that revolving ones government situation and role. When we talk about politics there are also a few things that we can’t separated, which is power, authority, and violence . Political power is the ability to do something or act in a particular way. Meanwhile authority is the power or right to give orders, makes decisions, and enforce obedience. Many people might get confused by this two terms as they hold a similar meaning but also different in some aspect. And the last term is violence, violence might sounds really negative but this is actually something that exist in politics. Because the government has the authority they can use political violence to gain more power in the society.

2.     What was interesting/what did you learn :
While reading the subject I find that the term of political violence is real and it’s okay to be used in the political action especially government. I find it really confusing because government is supposed to be the  institution that manage the society and be neutral, but with this term it’s gives me a different perspective of what position they actually held.

3.     Discussion Point :

As I mention in the second part, I find that the term political violence sounds like justifying the violence that the government do, and for me I personally didn’t support that. I might not understand the term that much but is that any positive side from that? Or is it purely negative? Also is there any realistic example on the modern day of political violence? As I feel that though it might be something that real in the daily life, it’s still not a right thing to do.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Economy / Week4 / Taeyi Lim

1. Summary

The economics of capitalism work in five interactions: product, money, labor, production means, and production.
Individuals participate in the economy by paying by consuming goods and providing labor at the same time.
Entities produce products and services that consumers want. Corporations have to increase sales to make a profit so they can succeed in the business without losing money.
Socialism is a society in which all individuals have equal access to resources based on the amount of labor.
Socialists argue that capitalism creates an unequal society and unfairly concentrates power and wealth.
Both capitalism and socialism are criticized.
2. What was interesting / What did you learn

I agree with those who criticize that capitalism is related to the unfair distribution of wealth and power.
It is because I think that as capitalism grows, capital and power are concentrated in certain people.
Ravi Batra argued that income and wealth inequality are fundamental causes of the financial crisis and economic recession, which leads to the collapse of capitalism and the emergence of new social order.
It was an interesting argument, but I don't think capitalism would collapse. Rather, I think it will get worse and worse.

3. Discussion point

Both capitalism and socialism have something to criticize. What is the way to supplement those areas?

Extra posting/ Do you think sociologists should take side or try to be neutral?/ Soo Bin Moon(문수빈)

Do you think sociologists should take side or try to be neutral?

 I don't think sociologists need to be neutral. Because a sociologist begins with a view to one of many things that happens in society. And after observing what is happening in society, interpret from the point of view of the scholar. I also think that if a sociologist does not study society with a view to it, it will be difficult to grasp the new society and it will become outdated.

Extra posting/ Do you agree with this description of human nature, attributing evil to economy?/ Soo Bin Moon(문수빈)

Do you agree with this description of human nature,

attributing evil to economy?

 I disagree. Because I think people's nature creates a competitive relationship. Just as there is a pecking order between animals, I think there is a natural sequence between humans. There were certainly more powerful people in the Paleolithic Age, and there were classes from the Bronze Age. So I think that although today's economic society is making people more difficult, people originally had that characteristic.

Economy / Week4 / 배찬형 Bae Chanhyeong


As society ages, the economy develops. What people do to meet their needs for any situation is also economics. We face the economy every day through goods and services. Capitalism aims to drive profits through the economy. 
Establish and sell prices for goods and services according to demand and supply. Capitalism admits free competition, but it prohibits monopoly and cartels.
Socialism places importance on the interests of society as a whole rather than on individual human beings. Socialism is the ideology that we consider to be the basis of society, not the sole preserve of the individual. And they have national control to resolve economic imbalances.

2.What was interesting / What did you learn

Environmentalists argue that capitalism will deplete Earth's limited resources for sustainable economic growth. I agree on this point. I think it is the economy to use the environment they live in for human economic gain, but I think we should pay attention to the fact that it is only focusing on upgrading the economy and hurting the environment. Resources are finite and will eventually run out. I think capitalism would collapse if capital were depleted.

3. Discussion Point

Capitalism aims to pursue individual interests. Capitalism therefore leads to competition. In this process, wealth bias occurs and, like wealth, power is biased.
Once biased, wealth and power can only be kept by the same person through monopoly and hereditary succession.
However, I think excessive succession of wealth and power should be controlled to a certain level because it threatens to disrupt the economic system. So what do you think?

Economy / Week4 / Kwon Ah Yeon

1. summary 

 In human society, the economy is inseparable. People have used various economic systems to meet various needs and needs, and as human societies develop, they have also evolved. Before the concept of money was invented, people got things through barter, which is based on social relationships. As times advanced, money began to appear, and furthermore, we were defining private property.
 Society can be divided into a capitalist economy and a socialist economy. Capitalism is an organization that recognizes the ownership of goods as a basic right of members of society. An individual can make decisions about the transfer, sale, consumption and disposal of goods and is an economic system based on private ownership. Socialism is an organization formed in a way that compensates for the consumption of labor and is based on equal distribution, allocation and access.
 The economy continues to grow with the growth of human society, and economic research is a must in social studies.

2. What is interesting  

 For me living under the capitalist system, the socialist economy is strange and strange. It was good to know the views of those who continue economic life with different views from mine. I think an individual has the right to own and dispose of his property with a personal means of production. Considering the sympathetic equality of wealth that the socialist system claims, it is an ideal system. However, this ideal system is very difficult to realize in real life, and by exploiting it, inequality of wealth still continues.

3. Discussion Point

 I'd like to hear the vivid opinions of people who live in the socialist system. It will be necessary to have in-depth discussions on whether the communist regime is really a fair and ideal system, or if the capitalist system is an unreasonable system that causes inequality in wealth.

Economy / Week 4 / Soo Bin Moon(문수빈)

1. Summary
  The economy is created primarily by country or region, and occurs in the process of meeting the material needs of people. These economic systems have different characteristics by region and age. Today, the market system came from the Roman Empire, the Golden Age of Islam and the Islamic Agricultural Revolution. And the economic system adopted between the 16th and 18th centuries is mercantilism.
The later economics of capitalism evolved from the interaction of goods, money, labor, means of production, and production. Scholars who explain capitalism include Adam Smith and Karl Marx. There is criticism of socialism in this article. Friedrich Hayek criticized that the socialist command economy could not make a reasonable price decision, and Ludwig von Mises criticized the impossibility of a rational, non-priceable socialist economy.
2. What was interesting/What did we learn
 I was curious that the income of the capitalist economy depends mainly on what technology is in demand and what technology is being supplied. So I first realized that people with scarce skills can get a lot more value and higher income in the market. I could not understand this part at first, but I could understand the wage of workers when I needed a lot of work because I could get higher wages than workers when my job was not enough. And because of this part, people could even think that most workers are afraid of radically developing technologies.
3. Discussion point
  The minimum wage is set to protect workers in the capitalist economy. Do you oppose this minimum wage policy? Do you agree? And why? Are you satisfied with our current minimum wage policy? If not, how do you think it should be improved?

Economy/week4/ji yoon kim/김지윤

1. Summary
The topic of the fourth week is the economy. The economy is a social science that analyzes the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services, and it is a very important factor in society. When the economy shows rapid growth, it is when the industrial structure changes from agriculture to production, and when the industrial structure changes from production to service industry, it shows somewhat slower economic growth.

2. What was interesting / What did you learn
The origin of compulsory education was interesting. It is surprising that the education system began to be established because the factory needed someone who could read. And I wondered if the prediction that China will soon surpass Britain was true. Surely this is true because China's technological prowess has improved greatly in recent years and its economic scale has grown significantly.

3. Discussion point
I would like to know how the distinction between core country, semi-periphery country and periphery country can be made. And I want to discuss whether trickle-down effect are realistic theories from an economics perspective.

Week5 : Politics Heo SeonYeong 허 선영


 Politics is not only found in civil government, but in the interactions of all groups. Power and authority are difficult to distinguish, in short, power is the power of a group that maintains a group. The group also serves to distribute public resources to people. Authority comes from legal authority and is traditionally hereditary. There is also a charismatic authority that comes from the same power as God. The government can use violence against individuals who do not follow instructions.
 The form of government is divided into monarchy, democracy, totalitarianism, oligarchy, communism, and theology. As many countries have done in the past, it is called monarchy that an individual becomes the owner of a state. Democracy has the power or sovereignty of the people. This makes people equal and free. Totalitarianism is a political system that regulates people's privacy as well as their public life. oligarchy is a concept derived from the number of people or groups with power, and the state of the community plays a dominant role in government, legislation and constitution. Theocracy is said to be a monarchy created by God.
2.interesting point
 Although I have heard a lot about monarchy and democracy, it was interesting to hear about totalitarianism and oligarchy. In the case of totalitarianism, it was interesting that the state controlled the media and the single party controlled the state. oligarchy was thought to be more of a concept from the number of people in power than from the political system.
3.discussion point
 In terms of gender-specific political participation, women are more active in voting than men, but in political terms, men are superior to women. I wonder what you think about why.
 Cambodia revived the monarchy in 1993. Now that many countries have abolished the monarchy, what do you think about Cambodia's resurrection? Also, I wonder why some countries keep the monarchy.

Economy/week4/Um seoyoung 엄서영

Economics is the use of the environment to meet the physical needs of people.
The economy is related to technological evolution, history and social organization, geography, natural resources, and ecosystems.
Capitalism is an economic system dominated by capital for profit-seeking purposes.
Capitalistic economics developed from five interplay categories: commodities, money, labor, production means, and production.
Socialism is an ideology that values the interests of society as a whole, rather than guaranteeing as much as possible the will and freedom of individual human beings.

2.interesting point
Our country is now a capitalist society. Critics of capitalism believe it has something to do with the unfair distribution of wealth and power.
Of course, as much as the profit you create, as you work, I think it's useless to get paid. However, I think it's a problem that the nation's social structure is becoming rich again, and that it is said that money makes money.

3.discussion point
What kind of economic system do you think would be if the nation with the capitalist system and the communist country were reunified, which would be more equal in socialism and distribution?

Economy / Week4/ hyojun kim


It should be noted that GDP includes only economic activities in which money is exchanged. GDP and GDP per capita are indicators of a country's wealth. The value added of goods and services produced by all economic players, including households, businesses and governments, over a period of time is summed up by market prices, including those provided by non-residents, labor and capital.

2.What was interesting / What did you learn

I enjoyed the fact that GDP increased the value added created by each sector over a period of time compared to the previous year. So I searched Korea's economic growth rate on its website and found that it grew 3.1 percent year-on-year.

3. Discussion Point

What is your opinion on the recent real estate policy implemented in Korea? I'd like to hear your thoughts on whether this policy can prevent real estate speculation.

Economy/week4/Juhee Cha (차주희)


Economics is the way people use the environment to meet their material needs. 
Capitalism developed gradually in Europe from the 16th century. Capitalism gradually spread to Europe and other parts of the world. Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, capitalism has evolved in spots around the world.
The operating principles of capitalism are commodities, money, labor, production methods, and production.
Socialism refers to various theories of economic organization that advocate the ownership and production of public or direct workers and the distribution of resources. It is also a society characterized by equal access to resources for all individuals with compensation methods based on the amount of labor consumed.

2.interesting point

I think almost every country has a capitalist system.I thought nothing of it. However, while studying the topic, I was able to see that they had socialist regimes in Asia, Europe, Latin America and the United States. There were also arguments that criticized socialism, as well as arguments that criticized capitalism. This gave an opportunity to think about the advantages and disadvantages of the two systems.

3.discussion point 

The subjects that I am interested in on this topic are capitalism and the existence of socialism. Have you thought about the pros and cons of both capitalism and socialism? If you've thought about it, please add a comment.