Saturday, September 8, 2018

Introduction to Sociology/Introduction / Week 1 / 김효준 hyojun Kim

1. summary

This story was told by a sociologist who was able to make great regret by drug and seemed ashamed of himself being there at the time. Some of the people in the club were drug dealers and even recommended them to the scholar in the same place. If the scholar had agreed, it could have been an irrevocable regret for himself.

2. Interested part

The most impressive part was imagining, 'What if the sociologist had a drug deal out of curiosity without thinking about the future?' He thinks it would have been hard to believe if the deal was made and the police came and the scholar who made the deal was caught and the things he had built collapsed in a moment.

3. discussion

What would happen if he made a deal and was caught by the police? I think there would be an irreparable blemish in his life if he really agreed to the deal and took it over.

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