Thursday, September 13, 2018

Macro Structure: Culture, Religion, Economy, Government / Week 3 / Kiara Juliane Annisa

1. Summary
Macro structure in sociology is a study that focus on a larger-scale. It does not focus only on one individual but rather a big group. Macro structure is including culture, religion, economy, and government. First I want to explain what is culture in sociology, based on what I have read culture is a characteristic that a bunch of people (particularly a group or society) have and has been passed down through generation. Such as language, value, and norms. The second one is religion, religion is something that people believe and put faith in. To study a culture, of course sociologist have to study about religion too, because it’s hard to separate one’s culture with the believe that exist within them. The third one is economy, economy is something that people use to fulfilled their needs such as food, shelter, and clothes. Economics also play a big role in terms of dividing an individu role in the society. The fourth one is government, government is a group of people that has been selected as someone who control the public and a nation administration. Government with their position and policies affects society in their everyday life and it’s really hard to separate this two topics.

2.  What was interesting/what did you learn :
As I read the materials for this meeting, I realized that there are so many things that affect society in daily basis. Starting from a small things to the big one. And one thing that I realize that government actually have a really big role in affecting the society, I don’t know whether it’s because I’m already used to every policies they make but I never think about the impact they have.

3. Discussion Point :
While reading the materials, I found that there are so many things that can affect the society and it’s culture. Other than religion, economics, and government what other things that have an impact on a society? And I want to now whether it’s possible to affect a society in indirect way? Or is it have to be upfront?

1 comment:

  1. There are many things that affect social culture. It could be religion, economy, government. Besides, I think the characteristics of each country are likely to become factors influencing the culture and society of other countries. For example, Japan's animation, South Korea's star trend and so on.Also include Travel to different places and experience different cultures. Based on all of the above, you will have an impression of the individual. Individuals slowly influence society. But I think it's all indirect.
