Friday, September 14, 2018

Sociological Methods / Week2 / 엄서영 / Um seoyoung

1) Summary
 One method that sociologists use to study social life is the 'scientific method'. This approach is called positivism and seeks to explain and predict social phenomena. Scientific methods consist of four stages of repetition and recursions: characterization, hypothesis development, prediction, and test.
 This scientific method is called quantitative research, and I think it is possible to quantify and measure social phenomena.
 Qualitative research, contrary to quantitative studies that measure reality or quantity through mathematical rules, explores the changes in the natural world that people can experience in daily life.
2)What was interesting / What did you learn
 I think there are many ways to study sociology. If I studied sociology before I read the text, (in terms of the text)I thought only qualitative research was possible. However, it has become very interesting to make mathematical calculations possible by operating in a scientific or quantitative method.

3)Discussion Point
 Humans are very complex beings, can they be analyzed accurately for all humans?


  1. JongSeo Lee


    Humans are complex beings and it is quite difficult for all humans to be classified into any category. However, since most humans are the same in biological form, we can see the exact difference. If the analysis that the questioner says is a person's personality, of course the answer is not. This is because a person's home environment and the people around him or her are different.

  2. Unless we analyze all 7 billion people worldwide, it is impossible to analyze every human being accurately. Of course, analyzing the population of all over the world is also impossible. However, I think that if we take some samples and observe them, we will be able to analyze them similarly except for serious exceptions.

  3. I think it is impossible to analyze an individual accurately. As you say, humans are very complex and have a large population in the world. However, it would be possible to analyze with specific categories. For example, there are the number of high school students and the number of people who raise animals.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Each person grew up in a different environment and lived in that environment with different values and ideas.
    It can be analyzed if everyone thinks the same, but it will be difficult to analyze it correctly because everyone has different ideas.

  6. I agree that humans are complex. So I think it's difficult to analyze humans correctly. But I don't think that's why we can't believe the studies we analyzed. Of course people are diverse, but remember to accept some and there are exceptions because they have been studied with many people.
