Saturday, October 6, 2018

Politics / week 5 / hayoung lee

1. summary
 Politics consists of Power, Authority, and Violence. The three are inseparable. Power is the power to impose any sanctions or to make a political decision. And authority means the right to justify and legally enforce these powers, which would be difficult to maintain without coercion such as violence. Authority can exist only if it is based on appropriate and legitimate violence.
2. What was interesting/ what did you learn?
 Power means the power to act, but authority means the legal right to use that power. I used to mix authority and power so easily that I didn't pay much attention to the difference between the two, but I was reminded that there was a sharp difference between the two.
3. discussion point
 Traditional authority in the form of authority is derived from long-standing customs, habits, and social structures. But these days, the society is rapidly changing (of course, it takes time to change the basic framework) and does the authority stemming from old customs and habits fit into the current generation?

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