Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Socialization / Week 6 / 김성희 Kim Seonghui

1. Summary

Socialization is the process of accepting and understanding the knowledge, social roles, norms, cultural values and beliefs that humans need to be born and live in their communities. We learn the language and behavior that we need to be a member of society, and we learn what we need to do and what we shouldn't do in that society, which is socialization. Socialization occurs throughout life. And different societies have different content. Primary socializing agencies can be divided into households and peer groups, where families are born first, live together in the home and learn the most basic lifestyle and norms. Secondary socializing agencies can be divided into schools, workplaces, and mass media.

2. What was interesting / What did you learn

There are symbolic interactions, role theory, hardening theory, and internalization theory. Not all socialization is voluntary and not successful. There are elements of society that are designed specifically to re-socialize individuals who were initially unsuccessful. For example, there are prisons and mental health institutions.

3. Discussion Point

The things that we need to socialize are biologically born. In this article, for example, empathy. So is socialization more powerful, or biologically gifted is?
Or Why are the mental health institutions specifically designed to re-socialize individuals who were initially unsuccessful? I don’t understand well about this one.

1 comment:

  1. Both biological and socialization processes are important, but I think the socialization process is more important. The environment and the people around us have so much influence in our lives. And this is the socialization process. The environment is so important that there is even a proverb in Korea called 孟母三遷之敎.
