Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Week7 : Deviance Heo SeonYeong 허 선영

 Deviance is an act that does not adhere to cultural norms. Norms are the standards of society that lead to human behavior. In the case of crimes such as robbery, theft, rape, etc., it is an official deviation from the officially prescribed law. Breaking the informal but generally known norms of society is called abnormal behavior. This includes digging your nose or belting loudly, although it can vary from culture to culture. Cultural norms have to be relative because there are differences in different cultures. As cultural norms are relative, deviance that does not follow cultural norms also varies from culture to culture. Abnormal behavior can be classified into five categories. "Do you follow cultural goals?" and "Is the way in which you perform your goals legal?" are criteria. Conformity and innovation, ritualism,retreatism, and rebellion are five. Although the cultural goal of being rich like mafia or street gangs was followed, it is seen as an 'innovation' because of the problem with how to accumulate wealth. Those who became homeless by their choice, not forced homeless, are called 'retreatism' because they did not follow both cultural goals and means. 'rebellion' refers to replacing an existing element with a new one, denying all like 'retreatism'. This includes the Communist revolution and social movements. This deviation can also bring about social changes. Abnormal behavior changes society in the process of unbalanced balance and regaining balance.
2.interesting point
 In the United States, the percentage of people in prisons is the
highest. However, the recidivism rate is also high. I have seen that the United States is more likely to be imprisoned than ours. I thought there would be fewer crimes and criminals because of the strong punishment, but I was surprised because it was much higher than I thought. The reason why the crime rate is high is that it is impossible to live with social stigma. I feel very sorry for this part. To survive, they were forced to commit crimes again.

3.discussion point
 Looking at the labeling theory, I wanted to find examples of retrospective labeling in our lives. Retroactive labeling is a reflection of past behavior through current looks. Have you ever looked back at a friend's past behavior in a particular way or behavior?

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting to note that the strong penalty has an adverse effect. I think we need better treatment for them. I think it is also necessary to revise relevant laws for them.
