Saturday, September 8, 2018

What is sociology? / week 1/ SeoJong Kang


Sociology is a scientific analysis of human life. So I think sociology is a prediction of human behavior and data. I think sociology can objectively represent a time of human life. I think it's also sociology that can help build a foundation for policies and social framework that fit that changing era.

2.What was interesting/ What did you learn

Reading the article, sociological studies in the past focused on the composition of complex industrial societies and their impact on individuals, and saw that sociologists today study a wide range of topics.
I wonder why these sociologists have changed their focus on research.
I guess it was because humans entered the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
It seems that the fourth industrial revolution has changed our existing social framework a lot, and since the era of artificial intelligence, not only humans, has opened, we don't need to continue studying individuals and industrial societies.
I want to learn necessary sociology in an industrial society where artificial intelligence and big data are the mainstay.

3.Discussion Point

I'd like to go further on the discussion of "Why does fashion change?" which was your question in class. I think that society changes and people change fashion accordingly. So why is fashion trendy when society is constantly changing?
People want to change something new, but they end up repeating what was in the past.Why does fashion repeat itself when society changes anew?
Also, what sociology does the Fourth Industrial Revolution need?


  1. On the Fourth Industrial Revolution, I think we need a sociology about the AI, Robots which replace people work and culled people living in the 4th Industrial Revolution.

  2. I think the repetition of fashion is due to the limited design elements of fashion. I also think emotions that miss restoration(bok-go) can be a reason.

  3. I think fashion itself is limited. I also think that fashion shows up by changing appearance even when fashion repeats. For example, I think that the Hopi pattern is back in fashion, but only the same part of the Hopi pattern appears in different designs.
