Thursday, October 11, 2018

Deviance / Week 7 / Angela Wibowo


Summary :
Norm is a social expectation to guide people’s behavior. When we violate the norms, it is called deviance. There are two types of deviance, the first one is crime that is the violation that enacted laws, and it is called formal deviance. The second one refer to informal social norms violations, and not too enacted to law, and it is called informal deviance.
According to the article, there are some theories of Deviance, there are Psychological and biological explanations, Social-Strain Typology, Structural-Functionalism, Conflict Theory, and Labeling Theory. Psychological and biological explanation is explaining that someone’s behavior can become deviant because of the problem with their body system, such as the problem with brain and neurological system that effect their psychological and makes someone deviant. Social-Strain behavior by Robert K. Merton, explain with typology of deviant behavior, or with classification scheme to understand it easier. Structural-Functionalism is explained that deviant behavior help to distinguish what behavior that is acceptable in the society. Conflict theory explained using the report and tracking crimes and divided it like white collar crime and others. Labeling theory is about someone becomes deviant when they already have label in society, or they adopt the label by do something that is relatable with the label.

What was interesting / what did you learn ?
I’m interested in statistics about the crime that there are so many cases and according to the article it is compared to the other countries and I’m interested about crime cases by gender such as the numbers of rapes in US, and it is showed that the number of people who got rapes by sex from 1995-2010 is decrease. And I found it is interesting.

Disscussion :
I’m a little bit curious about white lies like If there is some cases that someone does something that is violate law, such as killing someone who wants to to crime, is it still called deviance?

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a really good post. I'm also curious about the crime statistics in the US and why it's declining as years goes by
