Thursday, October 11, 2018

Week6/Socialization/Zhang Peiyao

1. Summary
  Socialization refers to the process by which individuals learn and master social behaviors and personality traits (such as knowledge, skills, language, norms and values) in a specific social and cultural environment, adapt to society, actively participate in society, and create new cultures. . It is the result of interaction between people and society. Through socialization, individuals learn social standards, norms, values, and expected behaviors. Personal socialization is a lifelong experience. Socialization is the starting point for individuals to enter social public life and integrate into the real society. The process of individual socialization is the process of transforming natural persons into social people under the influence of social culture. On the one hand, individuals accept the influence of society, accept the beliefs and values of social groups, learn life, production skills and behavioral norms, and adapt to the social environment; on the other hand, individuals act on society and influence their beliefs, values and personality traits. Others, society, transforming old cultures and creating new cultures that meet the needs of the times. Therefore, for individuals, socialization is the process of social adaptation; for society, socialization is a process of restraint and control.
2.  What was interesting/what did you learn 
  Socialization is a very important process for human beings and an indispensable step. Socialization is a process of transformation from a natural person to a social person. Everyone must be socialized in order to internalize their own social behavior norms and norms into their own standards of conduct. This is the basis of social interaction. And socialization is a unique behavior of human beings. It can only be realized in human society. There are reports that wolf children and pigs are not socialized, and their socialization process can be discussed from family and school education. Education is the main way of socialization. Socialization promotes the formation and development of individuality, cultivates self-concept; internalizes values, transmits social culture; masters life skills and cultivates social roles. So socialization is very important.
3. Discussion Point 
  What are the characteristics of socialization? Tell me what's your opinion.

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