Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Deviance / Week 7 / Cindy Paskalina Kweesar

Deviance is an act that violates the cultural norm in certain cultural society. Every society has its own culture. Therefore what deviance considers is very dependent on society culture. Deviance itself can be divided into two, normal and informal deviance. Formal deviance is usually a behavior that has been regulated by existing legal regulations and has clear penalties such as theft, murder. Informal deviance is a behavior that although it is not written in legal regulations but is still considered as something that should not be done in society, for example, speaking in an impolite manner to an old person in certain society.

There are various theories that try to explain what deviance is like the belief that people avoid deviance behavior so that they are not punished by society. Social-Strain Typology also tries to explain that deviance has various types, such as conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism, and rebellion. Another important theory is Structural-Functionalism. This theory wants to underlines various functions of deviance in society. This theory explains that deviance has a very important function in society because it can be a tool to promote social unity, distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behavior and the most important is changing society as time goes by.

What was interesting/what did you learn
Through this reading, I understand that labeling has a big impact on the formation of one's identity and behavior. Labeling theory explains that a person can have deviant behavior because we give the deviance label to her/him. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold's case at Columbine High School massacre later became a concrete example of this theory.

Discussion Point
What is the example of deviant behavior that has become an acceptable behavior over time?

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