Saturday, October 13, 2018

Socialization/ Week6/ ji eun Bang

 Socialization is the process of preparing humans to function in social life.socialization is culturally relative. 1st socialization occurs early in childhood and adolescence, and 2nd socialization refers to the socialization that takes place throughout one's entire life, both when one meets a new group that needs to be socialized. But not all socialization is voluntary or all socialization is successful. There is a social component specifically designed to re-socialize individuals that have not been socialized successfully. Every human being experiences some form of socialization in the course of his or her life, but there are rare exceptions to living in social isolation or experiencing socialization through alternative means. Socialization is important in human development. Socialization is necessary enough to observe between humans, but it is very culturally diverse.
2. What did you learn? What was interesting?
I was interesting there are various definitions and theories of socialization.
1. Symbolic Interactionism means Self-development as a result of interrelated social interactions and analytical processes.
2.Role theory means socialization is the process of acquiring appropriate norms, attitudes, self-images, values, and role behaviors that allow groups to accept and effectively perform new roles.
3.Self-help theory means self-development as a result of a quantitative assessment of costs and benefits.
4.Internationalization Theory means socialization is a series of steps in which individuals learn to participate in various levels of social organization.

3. Discussion
I was interesting a study on socialization. In the social class, lower-class parents found that they were more likely to stress their child's fitness. On the other hand, middle-class parents tended to emphasize creativity and independence. Because the lower-class parent emphasizes the suitability of their children because they experience the suitability of their daily lives. So what are some other examples of socialization like this?

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