Saturday, October 13, 2018

Deviance / Week 7 / Kiara Juliane Annisa

      1.     Summary :
When we talk about deviance we cannot separate it with norms. Norms is an social expectation that exist in a society. A person needs to fit to the norm in order to be accepted within a society. Meanwhile deviance have a meaning of behavior that violates cultural norms, in short it’s aan opposite of norms. There are a few types of deviance that we can find in everyday life, the first one is formal deviance. Formal deviance is a type of deviance that happened when someone doing something that breaking the written law, such as murder, rape, and robbery. And the other type of deviance is informal deviance. If formal deviance deal with breaking the law, formal deviance is something you do that break the social norm, such as fart in public, eating with left hand (in most of Asian country it’s a norm to eat with right hand), and giving things with left hand (in Indonesia it’s impolite to give things with your left hand).

      2.     What was interesting/what did you learn :
I actually already learn about deviance back in my university, but I never realize that not every deviance is a negative things. And just because it’s different from the norm doesn’t mean it’s something bad. For example, in my country we have to listen to our senior words even though it might be bad (and it’s normal thing) but there are people who actually doesn’t listen to them, and it’s not necessarily a bad thing.

      3.     Discussion point :

If we went to a foreign country and without knowing doing a something that out of the norm (for example when western people talk out loud in a public space at Asian country) is it still considered a deviance? What is the standard of deviance? Do we have to know the norm first or it does not matter?

1 comment:

  1. This is a good post, and I'm interested in it. But can you give another example about deviance in korea?
