Saturday, October 13, 2018

Socialization/ week6/ minji jeong

1. Summary

 Socialization is the process of making human beings human. 
 It aims to control impulse and protect conscience. And it plays an important role in preparing and achieving the role of a member of society. In other words, socialization is a process that humans prepare to live in. I think every human being will go through their own socialization process in their respective communities. Perhaps, of course, we have a variety of societies, and we need to respect the socialization of that region. This is because our cultures are different. Also socialization is divided into broad socialization and narrow socialization. Broad socialization was meant to promote self-expression, and there is a potential for widespread results. Narrow socialization is to promote conformity and obedience to society.

2. What did you interesting 

One of the theoretical terms for socialization was the 'Reinforcement Theory' and the 'Internalization Theory '. Reinforcement Theory is that self-development is a result of cognitive assessment of costs and benefits. The internationalization theory also explains that it is a series of steps in which individuals learn to participate in various levels of social organization.


As I said above, we've gone through a series of socialization processes in each society. And we live our life as a member of society. I ask you who live today. How did we socialize and what type of life do you think we lived?

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