Saturday, October 13, 2018

Socialization /week6 /Soo Bin Moon(문수빈)

1.       Summary

  I learned about socialization this time. Socialization is the process of preparing human beings to function in social life. It has three goals: preparation and execution, including control and development of conscience, parenting role of marriage, and living for a worthwhile life. But not all aspects of human behavior are learned. It is generally divided into primary socialization and secondary socialization. It is also divided into broad socialization and narrow socialization depending on the scope. Socialization can be an involuntary process, and not all socialization can lead to positive outcomes. However, if the basic socialization is not done, it is difficult for children to grow up and become adults and to live with others in society.

2.       What was interesting / What did you learn

I was most impressed with the socialization part of social institutions. And I was amazed that the goal of the institution was to re-socialize the individual and lead a new life. However, when I thought about it, I was able to go to school with my classmates by keeping the rules through socialization at the school, and the hospital allowed the prison office to maintain orderly prisons while re-socializing prisoners. So I realized that the socialization of educational institutions is not a negative thing in breaking an individual's old life.
3. Discussion Point
Do you think positively about the institutional re-socialization breaking an individual's previous patterns of life? What is the answer? And what are some examples of negative socialization?

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