Saturday, October 13, 2018

Socialization / week6 / Soongki Kim

Organizational Socialization Chart

1. Summary
  Socialization is a phenomenon in which humans can adapt to society through interaction and education with others in life.
Socialization is a process that helps humans function in social life.
Socialization is an important social process in the development of individuals who can function in human society, but not all aspects of human behavior are learned.
Socialization to promote independence, individualism, and self-expression is classified as broad socialization because there can be a wide range of consequences, and socialization to promote obedience and conformity is classified as narrow socialization because there are narrow consequences.
  If socialization is not successful, there is a lack of basic social skills normally learned in the process of socialization. And they have a hard time learning human language that is almost insurmountable.

2. What was interesting / What did you learn
 Learning about socialization in high school social culture subjects can be summarized as follows. the processes of human interaction, assimilation into the established generation so that man can live as a member of society. or such thing. Socialization takes place throughout one's lifetime, and the specifics vary according to the times and places.
 An example of wrong socialization is wild children, which would have been no different from ordinary people if the child had been properly socialized under the care of a human parent. However, it may be because they became the same while living together among wild animals.

3. Discussion point

Did the criminals in the TV news commit crimes because they were not socialized?

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